Dear Tony,
All the pictures and waterfowl mentioned are one's that have your product in them.
Here's the Harlequin picture that I won "Best of Category" in the Master's division at the Eastern Regional's. I scored a 97on the Harlequin the same show I won the Wasco award on a Blue-Wing Teal in 2009.
I have included a picture of my Cinnamon Teal that I won at the
Pennsylvania State show. I won "Best of Category" and the McKenzie Award in
the Pro Division in 2008. At the same show I won 1st place "Collective
Artist Award" with a Mute Swan. There was over 386 mounts at that show that
year. At the competition there were a couple of "World Champion" waterfowl
taxidermists that were competing. I felt triumphant when I won competing
against them for the McKenzie Trophy. It was a humbling experience. I would
have entered the Teal in the "Master's Division", but it was my first time
competing in 7years, so I thought I might be a little rusty. Thankfully I
wasn't. In total I have won "Best of Category", "Best of Show", 3 Wasco
awards, "Judges Choice", "Ducks Unlimited", "People's Choice", Vandyke
awards, and over 100 (and still counting) Blue Ribbons and at least
half of them were with your heads.
Ultimately, its best to cast your own heads from the original bird to get
an accurate fit. But, if something goes wrong or it can't be done, your
heads are the best products to use. Especially when your competing and need
nothing but the best.
Thank you again Tony for coming through for me with the Greater Snow Goose
head. It is for a competition bird.
Brian Downes
(610) 274-1667
Mailing Address:
314 Landenberg Road
Landenberg, PA 19350